California's No. 1 Bus & Coach Rental Company

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A Division of the United Bus Federation

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College Group Charters

Ditch the old, uncomfortable college bus on your next field trip. Rent a charter bus with Direct Charter instead and enjoy air conditioning, reclining seats, on-board entertainment, on-board restrooms, and more. You and your friends will stay entertained with televisions, DVD players, and WiFi, ensuring the ride to your destination is enjoyable and safe from beginning to end.

Traveling with a small group? A minibus is a great cost-effective alternative to cars, with the additional comfort of not having to end up as a designated driver!

Using volunteer drivers or relying on public transportation services can separate your group or cause some members to show up late. Instead, rent a personal coach that operates on your time. Everyone will enjoy being together on the bus, and no one will be left behind.

Head over to a local restaurant with your team mates for an assignment discussion, going-away party, or casual get-together. Instead of taking separate cars, stay together on your bus to ensure that everyone arrives together and on time.

Headed to a rally with a group of friends? Organize your transportation with a Direct Connect. With everyone together on the bus, you can go over your plan, bond, or relax together before the big event.

One is always in a tight budget when the person is in college, which may alter your decision to go anywhere. We have expert planners who will help you book the perfect ride in student discounts.

All of this with the endless travel possibility, because it is only now that you can travel, enjoy and learn. Buses booked through Direct Connect are up-to-date on all modern safety standards and are operated only by state-certified, experienced drivers. Relax and enjoy the ride knowing that you and your passengers are in safe hands.

Tours & Packages

Our Vehicles


10-20 Passengers

Large Minibus

25-36 Passengers

Coach Buses

49-61 Passengers

Sleeper Coach

10-20 Berths

Sprinter Van

7-10 Passengers

School Bus


Corporates We Serve